For Women

Women have always known the power of the mind, affirmations and general positive thinking. This is where hypnosis and in particular guided self-hypnosis techniques you can learn from these recordings can sharpen your edge in achieving the goals you have in the important areas of your life.

The power of female persuasion also works on the self because women identify pivotal moments in their lives and have a ‘go out and get’ mentality at these important times.

Learn self Hypnosis methods for increasing your fertility with powerful guided imagery and positive thought patterns on our Assisting Fertility recording. It’s a great way to augment your IVF experience too.

Improve the quality of your childbirthing experience with our ‘Easier Childbirth’ Hypnosis recording which will train you to be calm and relaxed when you need to most. Use this recording throughout your final trimester. It is safe and effective.

Manage your menopause symptoms with this incredibly relaxing guided self Hypnosis recording. Learn much needed coping techniques that will assist you in this transitional time of life making it a more pleasurable life experience.

  • Assisting FertilityFertility-coverW

    This CD will help you reverse the negative apprehension surrounding your efforts to start a family.

    Order Assisting Fertility
  • Easier MenopauseMenopause-coverW

    This hypnosis recording will help you relax and enjoy the lead up and duration of ‘the change of life‘.

    Order Easier Menopause
  • Easier ChildbirthChildbirth-coverW

    This CD will help you relax in the lead up to and during your childbirth, making it a more pleasurable experience.

    Order Easier Childbirth