Lifestyle & Work

Learn how to improve your management of weight loss, relaxation and change or increase your levels of confidence and focus. Target the specific area that you have identified that you want to see a positive change.These recordings will work well as a single Natural Therapy or can be coupled with your desired regime of exercise, time management or leisure activity.

Hint: If you feel you need an added boost to reach your goal or you have been advised to change your habits quickly, we recommend also ordering the ‘Making Lifestyle Changes’ recording to fast track your decided path.

  • Calmness & ConfidenceOn Salecalmrelaxconfidence

    This recording will help you become calm, relaxed, confident and assured in your everyday dealings with other people, whether socially or at work.

    Order Calmness, Relaxation &... MP3 @ $9.95
  • Learning to FocusFocus-coverW

    This recording will help you focus and improve important areas of your life, whether they be your relationship, work environment, finances, sport or study.

  • Making A Lifestyle ChangeLifestyle-coverW

    This recording is designed to help you make major lifestyle changes for the good of your health by increasing your ability to focus on these changes. Use as a supplementary aid to help with weightless, quit smoking or reducing blood pressure. Out … Continue reading

  • Focus at WorkAtWork-coverW

    Aimed to help you achieve specific ideals at work. It will teach you how to focus on the things that influence your ability to succeed.

  • RelaxationOn SaleCover-Relaxation

    Enjoy pure relaxation instantly and effortlessly.This recording will help you relax and stay relaxed for days, storing relaxation in your mind and body.

    Order Pure Relaxation
  • Easier WeightlossWeight-coverW_h

    Designed to help you lose weight more easily and maintain a healthy self image. Safe and effective on its own or with a diet or exercise program.

    Order Easier Weightloss